4Brand dynamics -> Skincare knowledge

The 2019 Shenzhen International Holdings International Health and Beauty Industry Expo will be held in Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center on October 14-16. Xin Yan, a teacher under the Gaojin Skin Problem Repair Center, was invited to participate in this exhibition.


This time, Shenzhen International Holdings Grand Health Industry Expo, relying on the industry resources of CIBE China International Beauty Expo for 30 years and taking the participation of domestic and international brands and upstream and downstream industries as the main body, integrated beauty and health for the first time, and created a new 2019 Shenzhen International Holdings International Grand Health Industry Expo

In the view of Teacher Xinyan, with the changing times, the evaluation criteria for "beauty" are constantly "evolving", but beauty is not decoration, but a return to its original form; Skincare is not only about pursuing beauty, but also about being a healthy and confident person who is the most beautiful. Surprisingly, the exhibition theme of this exhibition coincides with the skincare concept advocated by Teacher Xinyan


This exhibition has an exhibition area of over 30000, covering four major professional fields: nutrition and health products industry, health management industry, technology beauty and fitness industry. It gathers domestic and foreign brand enterprises and high-quality products, gathers the cutting-edge technology and information of the big health industry, forms alliances with over 10 industry associations, holds 35+exciting events, shares over 1 million professional buyer resources, and strives to create a collection of cultural dissemination, brand promotion A brand event that showcases transactions, develops markets, and creates wealth, with well-known international and domestic influence.


Exhibition Area Distribution

Hall 9: Big health, big medical beauty, anti-aging, stem cells, postpartum repair, Genetic testing, healthy sleep, skin management, health care of all parts of the body, scientific and technological beauty instruments, professional lines and big health ODM/OEM, traditional Chinese medicine health care, imported products, health cosmetics

Hall 8: Hair care, whitening and freckle removal, acne removal, health products, pregnancy, baby and children's products, breast enhancement, enzymes, weight loss and slimming, nail enhancement, pupil beautification, eyelashes beautification, embroidery, body beautification, intelligent underwear, body beautification underwear and supporting products, health management, services, education

Hall 7: Big Health New WeChat Business, E-commerce, Cross border E-commerce, Social E-commerce, Social Retail


Through visiting different exhibition areas and learning exchanges in the same industry, Teacher Xinyan deeply felt that there have been some important changes in the consumer market in terms of understanding health and beauty. Compared to the past, people are increasingly valuing a healthy lifestyle; In the new situation, health seems to have been endowed with more connotations, and healthy skincare is increasingly attracting consumers' attention and attention.


Gaojin is committed to creating scientific, precise medical, and rigorous sensitive skin repair products that can quickly solve the symptoms of sensitive skin in women. At the same time, relying on numerous international dermatologists and utilizing the latest biotechnology and scientific research achievements, we are dedicated to developing high-quality skin care products, establishing a scientific and healthy lifestyle attitude for consumers, satisfying their consumption pursuits, and enabling them to achieve higher levels of emotional satisfaction. The research results not only sparked a huge demand in the global beauty and skincare industry, but also helped people regain a correct understanding of sensitive skin repair.


Adhering to the research philosophy of "safety, quality, and clinical validation", Teacher Xinyan has also established a NICUI skincare brand with a research and development team that targets six major skin management systems - including basic skincare, anti-aging, whitening, acne, sensitive skin, pigmentation, and other skin management. We provide customers with one-on-one precise solutions to skin problems, customize exclusive care methods, and help more people regain healthy skin.

Committed to professional medical skin care products
The national drug administration reminds you:
Please have a correct understanding of the efficacy of cosmetics. Cosmetics cannot replace drugs and cannot treat diseases such as skin diseases
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