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On June 29, 2020, the State Council issued the "Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Cosmetics" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"), which will come into effect on January 1, 2021. The National Medical Products Administration is organizing the preparation and revision of the regulations and normative documents of the supporting departments of the Regulations, and deliberating and issuing them in accordance with the relevant legislative procedures. In order to ensure the quality and safety of cosmetics and promote the healthy development of the cosmetics industry, the relevant matters related to the implementation of the Regulations are hereby announced as follows:

1、 Regarding the registrant and registrant of cosmetics

Starting from January 1, 2021, any enterprise or other organization that holds a special cosmetics registration certificate (administrative license for special purpose cosmetics) or has completed the registration of ordinary cosmetics (non special purpose cosmetics) shall be responsible for the quality, safety, and efficacy claims of cosmetics in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations for cosmetics registrants and registrants

2、 Regarding the registration and filing management of cosmetics

Starting from January 1, 2021, cosmetics and new raw materials for cosmetics will be subject to classified management. Before the relevant provisions for registration and filing in accordance with the Regulations are issued and implemented, cosmetics registrants and recorders shall submit registration and filing materials in accordance with the current registration and filing regulations. Cosmetics new raw material registrants and recorders shall submit registration and filing materials in accordance with the requirements of the "Guidelines for Application and Evaluation of Cosmetics New Raw Materials". The filing of cosmetics and new cosmetic raw materials is completed upon submission of the filing materials by the registrant; The drug regulatory department shall carry out registration management related work in accordance with the procedures and time limits specified in the Regulations

The validity period of the product registration certificate for special cosmetics made after January 1, 2021 is 5 years

3、 Management of the transition period for five types of special purpose cosmetics such as Yufa

From January 1, 2021, the cosmetics for special purposes such as hair care, hair removal, milk beauty, bodybuilding and deodorization stipulated in the Regulations on the Hygiene Supervision of Cosmetics will no longer be managed as special cosmetics, and the National Medical Products Administration will no longer accept the registration application of related products, and will no longer issue the administrative license approval documents for related cosmetics for special purposes. The National Medical Products Administration shall terminate the examination and approval of products that belong to ordinary cosmetics or products that do not belong to cosmetics according to the Regulations, for which the application for administrative license has been accepted before but no administrative license decision has been made; According to the Regulations, products belonging to special cosmetics can be reviewed and approved by the applicant after adjusting the application materials according to the procedures

4、 About soap and toothpaste management

Starting from January 1, 2021, soap that claims to have special cosmetic effects shall apply for registration of special cosmetics and obtain a registration certificate in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations

Before the release and implementation of the relevant regulations on toothpaste supervision and management in accordance with the Regulations, the drug supervision and management department shall supervise and manage toothpaste in accordance with the current relevant regulations

5、 Regarding efficacy claim evaluation and label management

Before the release and implementation of the classification rules and catalog for cosmetics, the evaluation standards for cosmetic efficacy claims, and the management measures for cosmetic labels, etc., which are supported by the Regulations, the registrant and registrant of cosmetics do not need to publish a summary of product efficacy evaluation data temporarily. The evaluation and label management of cosmetic efficacy claims shall be carried out in accordance with the current relevant regulations

6、 Regarding the production license of cosmetics

Starting from January 1, 2021, the previously obtained "Cosmetics Production License" will continue to be valid during its validity period. New cosmetics production licenses and license changes, renewals, and reissues will be implemented in accordance with the provisions of the "Regulations". Before the release and implementation of the relevant regulations on the management of cosmetics production licenses in accordance with the Regulations, the requirements for cosmetics production license materials shall be implemented in accordance with the "Regulations on the Work of Cosmetics Production License", and a new version of the "Cosmetics Production License" shall be issued. The certificate format is shown in the attachment. In regions where electronic certificates are issued or used, the style of the electronic certificate should be consistent with the new version of the paper certificate

7、 Regarding the investigation and punishment of illegal acts

If the illegal act of cosmetics occurs before January 1, 2021, the "Regulations on the Supervision of Cosmetic Hygiene" shall apply. However, if it is deemed that it is not illegal or that a lighter punishment should be imposed according to the "Regulations", the "Regulations" shall apply. If the illegal act occurs after January 1, 2021, the Regulations shall apply

Attachment: Cosmetics Production License (Style)


Committed to professional medical skin care products
The national drug administration reminds you:
Please have a correct understanding of the efficacy of cosmetics. Cosmetics cannot replace drugs and cannot treat diseases such as skin diseases
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